Helping to Reduce Nuclear Threats
The Laboratory is a national resource for technical solutions to nonproliferation challenges, noteworthy for developing innovative technical solutions.
We are working to help the nation prevent and mitigate catastrophic radiological incidents and provides expertise in threat and risk assessment, detection of threat materials, understanding and mitigating the consequences of attacks, forensic analysis, and much more.

Our Nonproliferation Program focuses on preventing and mitigating nuclear proliferation, improving global nuclear security, and ...

Forensic Science Center
The Forensic Science Center is home to nationally recognized experts who support chemical, nuclear, and biological counterterrorism.

Characterizing disturbances underground helps keep the peace.

Strengthening safeguards that detect and deter the misuse of peaceful nuclear materials and technology.

Germanium (Ge) Gamma Ray Imaging (GI) Detector
Germanium (Ge) Gamma Ray Imaging (GI) Detector is a portable high-resolution instrument for security and science applications.

Improving searches for radioactive materials in urban areas.
Featured Capabilities
Featured Facilities
Featured Codes
NNSA/DNN University Consortia
Great People

Steve Myers
Global Security
Seismological tools help scientists probe the internal structure of the earth, but they have another, national-security-enhancing role, as Livermore seismologist Stephen Myers well knows—they help detect underground explosions.
“Our motivation is to help the U.S. verify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty by detecting any nuclear explosive tests that may happen worldwide,” says Myers, program leader for Ground-Based Nuclear Detonation Detection R&D at Livermore.
See the Nonproliferation Mission page for more information about how Lawrence Livermore applies high-performance computing to solve challenges and for links to related articles.