LLNL is working to advance our nation's security by innovating science and technology solutions to improve national energy security and resiliency, while reducing environmental impact. Laboratory scientists and engineers are working to develop technologies that:
- Enable expanded use of renewable energy
- Improve efficiency, new resources, and systems integration
- Reduce costs
The Laboratory's energy program includes the following:
Engineering the Carbon Economy
Livermore Laboratory is working to find solutions to a number of challenges facing the development and safe operation of carbon capture and storage (CCS) facilities.
Combustion Research
Combustion research at Livermore helps reduce the development time of cleaner-burning engines.
Energy Flow Charts
Livermore is charting the complex relationships among energy, water, and carbon.
Materials for Energy
Livermore researchers are using advanced manufacturing and high-performance computing to design optimized materials for emerging energy security needs.
Critical Materials
Livermore is reducing dependence on critical materials that are susceptible to procurement problems by developing substitute materials, diversifying their supply, and improving recycling techniques.
Oil and Gas
Livermore is using high-performance computing and advanced manufacturing to increase the efficiency of shale oil and gas production.
High-Performance Computing for Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg)
The Laboratory is advancing clean energy technologies and increasing energy efficiency while reducing risk of HPC adoption for U.S. manufacturers.
High-Performance Computing for Materials in Applied Energy Technologies (HPC4Materials)
Through application of HPC, the laboratory is enabling U.S. industry to accelerate the development of new or improved materials for use in severe environments.
Through its expertise in geoscience, materials science, life science, and high-performance computing, Livermore is easing the way toward widespread use of geothermal energy.
Wind Power
The Laboratory is improving the ability to predict winds across multiple scales by developing enhanced simulation tools, conducting field experiments, applying statistical techniques, and assessing resources and turbine and wind plant operations.